VAT rates

TAX MAG: VAT news in Europe

Keep up with the latest Intra-Community and European VAT news, decoded by our experts.

Focus: VAT rates
Check the VAT rates applicable in 2024 to your products and services in Europe - in the 27 countries of the European Union (EU), in Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
The structure of VAT rates, partially harmonized within the European Union, will evolve, and the list of products that can benefit from reduced rates as well: this is what the…

Germany – Reduced rate on education benefits

In order to comply with European Union law, the Annual Tax Act 2024 provides for an overhaul of Section 4 No. 21 of the German VAT Act , exempting school and university education, vocational training or retraining. For example, this project abolishes the compulsory certification procedure for independent teachers.
Country Briefs
26 April 2024
VAT rates in 2021 in the 27 member states of the European Union and in Europe.

Finland – Consideration of rate changes on certain products

Finland plans to increase the rate from 10% to 14% for the following products and services: Books Access to certain cultural and sporting events film screenings pharmaceutical products Conversely, the government plans to reduce the rate from 24% to 14% for the following products:  pads  diapers To date, the measure has not yet been adopted,...
25 June 2023
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