VAT Focus

TAX MAG: VAT news in Europe

Keep up with the latest Intra-Community and European VAT news, decoded by our experts.

Focus: VAT Focus
One-Stop Shops simplify VAT for e-sellers, but mistakes can be costly. Discover 5 tax-sanctioned mistakes in Europe.
VAT One-Stop Shops simplify VAT obligations for e-sellers within the European Union (EU): follow the guide!
You are a non-European company and you use the DDP and EXW Incoterms for your sales and purchases from the French territory? You are likely to act as an IOR/EOR…
The VAT rules in the construction sector in the Principality of Monaco are complex and particular. Whether you are a subcontractor or a main contractor in Monaco, we summarize for…
VAT Focus 16 September 2022
As a result of BREXIT, British companies liable for VAT in the European Union are likely to have to appoint a fiscal representative.
What is the best VAT/Customs treatment scheme for your e-commerce sales to the UK, with or without warehousing? Check out our scenarios and feedback.
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