Finland – Thresholds changes for INTRASTAT in Finland in 2022

The Finnish administration has updated the introduction and dispatch thresholds for INTRASTAT declarations in 2022:

  • The threshold for the introduction is raised from 600,000 euros to 700,000 euros
  • Shipping threshold increased from 600,000 euros to 700,000 euros


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The Finnish administration has updated the introduction and shipment thresholds for INTRASTAT declarations in 2023: The threshold for the introduction is raised from 280,000 euros to 500,000 euros. Shipping threshold...
The Finnish administration has updated the introduction and shipment thresholds for INTRASTAT declarations in 2023: The threshold for the introduction is raised from 700,000 euros to 800,000 euros Shipping threshold...
L’administration roumaine a mis à jour les seuils à l’introduction et à l’expédition pour les déclarations INTRASTAT en 2023: – Le seuil à l’introduction passe de 900.000 RON à 1...
The Bulgarian administration has updated the thresholds for INTRASTAT declarations in 2023: Le seuil à l’introduction passe de 520.000 BGN à 700.000 BGN Le seuil à l’expédition...
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